yudin counter

A few words

שיעור פרשה, ג’ תיבות של ג’ אותיות [מסכת סופרים] והיינו ט’ אותיות גדולות. שיעור כתיבת למשפחתיכם [ב’י בשם סה’ת] ולכתחלה יניח ב’ אותיות קטנות מלבד הט’ אותיות, דהא בין תיבה לתיבה צריך להניח אות קטנה. ולכתחלה מנהג הסופרים כג’ פעמים ‘אשר’ [רמב’ם]

דיעבד מעיקר הדין שיעורו ט’ יודין, ובחז’א דבעינן נמי ג’ תיבות ואוירן ולפ’ז בעי עוד 2 יודין לבין התיבות.

 ולפ’ז נמצינו למידים לכתחלה יהיו שיעור הפרשיות כג’ פעמים אשר [3 * 7] שהן 21 יודין, ועם הרווחים דבין התיבות [+ 2] יהיו 23 יודין.

אותיות קטנות משערין בכרוחב יוד של אותו כתב. אותיות גדולות הן; א (ויש שהיו מונים אלף כשלש יודין והטעם מפני דרך כתיבתם היה בכתב גס והיו צריכין יותר מקום להאלף מפני אלכסונה) ב ד ה ח ט כ ך ל מ ם ס ע פ ף צ ץ ק ר ש (והשין אנן משערינן בכשלש יודין) ת. ואותיות קטנות הם; ג ו ז י נ ן

 The font used in the Tikkunim textbox was meticulously designed so that its proportions regarding the ratio of the widths of Yudin and Vavin as known in the Stam  
( במספר-יודין ( א=2 י=1 ש=3 .

The coloured background of various different colours are to represent letter yuds width, thus allowing to quickly establish the difference in character yudin count between one line and its proximities.

In addition the calculation of the מספר יודין will be displayed before the start of their corresponding lines.

These text boxes of ksav ashuris can be dragged with the mouse, this is to enable their optimal placement on screen or print, this will help comparing tikkunim and will be required for the viewing of wide texts as with the tefillin tikkunim.

Resizing the textbox (to widen or to narrow), is made possible via placing the mouse cursor onto the right or left borders, clicking and dragging these borders.

Editing is made possible via clicking the edit button (on this page a single click on the box itself will also enable editing). You may then print these via the general print functions (right click, or ctrl + p) of your browser.

Refreshing the page will erase all edited changes and revisions, and revert back to the original default.

Clicking the Done button (or on this page alternatively double clicking the text box) will end the Edit mode and will enable dragging mode.

Upon editing, hitting the return (or enter) ↵ key will create a new line, the counter on the side will update & display the calculated sum of letter-yudin in each line. (This calculation may only be noticed when the mouse cursor leaves the area of the text box of the ksav).

Merging of two lines into one, can be achieved, via clicking the counter display button, displayed prior to the start of its corresponding line. When merging the line up, be sure to add a space where the previous break for the second paragraph was. (the spaces before & after the line are not usually included in the calculation, the spaces between the words are counted as one yud).

Avoid simply pasting text, especially in the Chrome browser. Rather right click & paste as plain text, so as to not nest the pasted characters within other elements which are not counted by the counter.

There is a small text box upon the top of pages that will establish the number of yudin in a line, this has been defaulted to 62, but it can be changed simply by changing the value of that textbox and setting it with the enter key. this is to be used when using the button that will display the calculation in its known terms as ש’ת or חסר ויתר etc.

The buttons at the top of the textbox to the right, consist of the following functions

  1.  חסר ויתר כדרך תיקונים This will change the counter into known terms such as ח’א ש’ת י’ג etc. up to + – 10
  2. חסר ויתר מספרים will display the calculated number of single type letter widths within each line – in integers.
  3. Remove Yudin; will remove the display of the aforementioned calculation, this can be reverted by re clicking this same button and the count will be displayed as before. Removing the display is useful for copying the text without the numbers.
  4. Edit, enables manual editing of the characters , you may add text or paste text from the clipboard (in Chrome browser, paste as plain .text only, via right clicking and selecting paste as plane text) Hitting the return or enter key will create a new line  (this can be merged back by clicking the display count at the right of the newly created line)
  5. Done – will set the edit and dragging the entire box will be re enabled.
  6. Justify with word spacing will simply justify the entire textbox of ksav thus displaying a simple form of a tikkun to view or print, re clicking this same button will revert back to unjustified endings of the text. A coloured display will divide the textbox into 8 for help with spacing.
  7. Justify with letter spacing is a better justification with regard to Stam as the spacing between words are not to be more than 3 Yudin, However this is a more complex process and is timely. It is though a much better Tikkun. This too can be reverted by re clicking the button. Here too the background will highlight 8 segments to help with writing.

The coloured backgrounds will not show up when printing so as to keep clarity.

The parshiyos ari have been set to their specific lines and can be found here;
תפילין של ראש ארי   תפילין של יד ארי and the מזוזה.

I welcome feedback.


Tikkun Ashuris Textbox



למשפחותיכם למשפחותיכם למשפחותיכם

אשר אשר אשר

סתומה סתומה




























number only no text

This may be useful for copying from the tikkun to other applications, to save ourselves from manually removing the numbers each line adds, rather placing the numbers in a separate column. Click out of the box after pasting to see the effect

text only no numbers

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